Surveys with no butterfly observations

If one conducts a survey and sees no butterflies should this information be captured in the atlas (ie, akin to an ‘empty’ bird list in a breeding bird atlas). If so, how would this be reported on eButterfly?

It is almost like you are listening in to Nathaniel and my conversations! haha! We just talked about this and are putting it in our upcoming short newsletter to atlas volunteers! In short, YES! Please please put in zero butterfly count when you are specifically surveying for butterflies. Zero counts are very very important. The way you do it is to add a checklist to eButterfly as normal, but for species put in Butterfly (SUPERFAMILY Papilionoidea) and put in a 0 for the count box. Answer yes to the question at the bottom if you are reporting all. Here’s an example from Nathaniel -

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