White-patched/patterned Skipper?

I recently have seen some confusion as to the taxonomy of two skippers that appear under the name of White-patched or White-patterned Skipper. There was a genus revision by Cong et al. 2019 that changed the name of the group from Chiomara to Chiothion. It now appears that the White-patched Skipper found in southern Texas and southward should be called Chiothion georgina. The confusion was with the White-patterned Skipper found from Costa Rica southward and in the Caribbean should now be called Chiothion asychis. Have I got this right?

Oh nice catch. Let me check it out and rectify this on eB. We are in the middle of updating a lot of taxonomy and making our taxonomic system much better. Surprisingly, there isn’t any up to date worldwide checklist of butterflies and others, like iNat, are having trouble too. We hope to rectify this situation a bit! Anyhow, thanks Peter and I will get to your issue ASAP!

Thanks for getting on to this so quick, Kent. The butterfly world needs to get its taxonomic name-changing house in order.

Cheers. Peter